This is an anthology of poems that seem to sum up the best and most-loved of the English-speaking world's contribution to the canon. Inevitably the poetry is dominated by the works of poets from the British Isles or North America, and these are listed separately. Further, the poems of the British Isles are divided into a section for those from before the 20th Century, and those that were published subsequently, and the poetries of both Ireland and Scotland are also separated out. Although there are outstanding poems on the subject of love, and those that cast a humorous light on all manner of subjects, these have also been given a separate listing rather than be included in the respective geographically-based lists.
- 100 most popular searches on this site
- 1001 Poems you must read before you die
- American Poetry
- British Poetry prior to 1900
- British Poetry of the 20th Century
- The Poetry of Ireland
- The Poetry of Scotland
- Australian Poetry
- Poems written by women
- Poems written by African-American poets
- Children's Poetry
- Humorous Verse
- Love Poems
- War Poems
- Poems about London
- Poems for Funerals, on a Death or in Remembrance
- The Poetry of Kenneth H Ashley
- Sonnets
- Villanelles
- School Curriculums
- Pick of Six Poets - Hardy to Larkin
- Random Poem (print-ready)